The Saw and the Lathe

We only use top quality timber , in poplar, lime, wenge ', ebony or tulipwood, and we only work with traditional methods for the construction of our products:  we know that excellence and prestige take life from the raw materials and the wisdom of the hands that work them.


The Colouring

The wood is aged with simple but ingenious methods handed down for generations, and then it is coloured and polished with traditional techniques:

° Enclosure:  Small holes to imitate the work of woodworms, small strokes to imitate accidents and rounded corners to imitate the daily use consumption. All these processes give the objects a fantastic antique effect, the lived taste that makes them alive. 

° Wood colouring : the initial one is made with natural water-based impregnating agents and the final polishing is made of shellac; shellac is a natural product that for hundreds years has been used to polish and protect the wooden furniture and musical instruments. We still use it to polish using the same techniques and secrets learned from our grandparents and great-grandparents.

  • Bauletto di legno contenitore di gioie visto aperto in piedi e chiuso cono il giglio sul coperchio
  • Scatola Farandola con ovale di compensato lucidato e logo del negozio L’ Arte de’ Ciompi – Firenze
  • Foto artistica di giochi di luce su cofanetto stile antico decorato con pelle a rilievo
  • Chiusura del cofanetto con un manufatto metallico a scatto fra il corpo e il coperchio
  • certificato di produzione e pergamena
  • Interno della scatola carillon con biglietti stampati del produttore L’ Arte de’ Ciompi -Firenze
  • Dettaglio del  giglietto in pelle presente su fronte del box contenente una grafite da disegno
  • Zoom fotografico sulle piccole scacchiere e triangoli bianchi e neri della trottola
  • Nella parte sottostante la trottola nera presenta il nostro logo
  • Elegantissima trottola intarsiata con pezzetti di legno tondo e rettangolare
  • Carta con spartito musicale arrotolata e stesa e penna stilografica intarsiata a ellissi incrociate
  • Regalo speciale per un professionista o per chi ama disegnare
  • Bicchiere di legno tornito per appoggio di un uovo di legno
  • Immagine laterale con effetto prospettiva di orologio di legno da tavolo
  • Orologio tavolo Pinocchio visto da dietro con marchio timbrato
  • Foto della parte centrale della pendola Pinocchio grande
  • Carillon angeli in legno di pioppo visto da dietro
  • Carillon visto nella parte interna con fondale dell’Arno

The Scroll Saw

The scroll saw, or electric tunnel, is a very fine saw, a new generation of the ancient manual one. With it we fretwork, cut low thickness wood, and thanks to his small dimensions we can create curves, angles and curls that embellish the silhouette of our products, always different in small details. Using it we create Clocks and Pendulums, Decorative Theatres and Carillon Theatres.

For cutting thicker wood we use the band saw and the electric wrapping machine, for example to make caskets and large music boxes, and their frames.

Jewel Cases and Music-boxes
Clocks and Pendulums
Decorative Theatres and Musical Theatres

The Lathe

The lathe is a machine that allows us, thanks to the use of special chisels, to create objects with a round, convex or elliptical shape. Bacause of the totally manual processing, the products are always unique, different one from the other.

Even the wood is always different: Teak, Ornello, Maple, Tuscan Olive, Tulipier, Beech, Wenge, Cherry, Cypress, Tuya,  Bubinga, Zebrano, Padouk, each with its colors, its veins and clearly visible shades.

The objects are created from pieces of wood of a single essence, or from pieces assembled by hand from different woods and decorated with the inlay technique . Compositions with different geometrical designs, each one outcome of the typically artisan flair. 

With the lathe we create spinning tops , lucky eggs , fountain pens and mechanical pencils .

Spinning Tops, Eggs, Fountain Pens and Propelling

See all the Wooden Articles

It is recommended not to clean any surface with chemicals or water; you can use a dust-catching cloth or tissue on the surfaces: they do not retain dirt, because of their smoothness and specific methods treatings.

The ancient methods we use guarantee the quality and excellence of each product. Unique and precious objects for any gift idea , perfect for dreamers, artists and Florence lovers . The products are all accompanied by the wooden logo or our brand ink stamp.